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Can-SEBP prides itself with developing connections with Canadian scholars who are conducting applied research that is useful and relevant to contemporary policing. The Scholar's Corner is a central repository to provide police personnel with an opportunity to learn more about these scholars (both academics & pracademics). Learn more about their research (by clicking their names) including why their work is important to Canadian policing. Police personnel are encouraged to reach out to these scholars to broker their own research partnerships.

Rosemary Ricciardelli_edited.jpg

Dr. rosemary ricciardelli

Memorial University

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Dr. craig bennell

Carleton University

Hina Kalyal_2.jpg

dr. hina kalyal

London Police Service

Dakota Wing_2.jpg

Dakota wing

PhD Candidate - York University

Martin-Lavaliiere (2).jpg

Dr. martin lavalliere

Universite du Quebec

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dr. keiron mcconnell

Kwantlen Polytechnique University

Irwin Cohen.jpeg

dr. irwin cohen

University of the Fraser Valley

IrvinWaller_INFOHR 443k (2).jpg

dr. irvin waller

University of Ottawa


dr. krysta dawson

The Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia (CFSEU-BC)

Tori Semple_2_edited.jpg

tori semple

PhD Student - Carleton University

Mary Ann Campbell

dr. mary ann campbell

University of New Brunswick


dr. tarah hodgkinson

Wilfred Laurier University

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